
Sunday, July 22, 2018

JLX: Origin

Why are you doing this?

That's a fair question and I don't have a great answer for you. Call it boredom, aimlessly finding purpose, looking for the light, I don't know; but it couldn't hurt, right?

... right?!

What is a JLX?

Let's just call it my pen name. My first name is Joshua, my middle name is Lee, and the X reflects the first and most important commitment I made in my life; the Straight Edge lifestyle. Which is simply abstaining from the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Why so... Obsessively Narrative?

Well, I'm writing about writing. Or more so... I'm writing about not writing. However sadly redundant that may sound, this blog is a perfect excuse for to write when I can't write about anything else. Whether I'm venting, going through a mental episode, testing out an idea, or talking about nothing; this is that outlet.

What exactly do you write?

Movie scripts in both short and long form, comic scripts, novellas, campaign settings for various role-playing games, system mechanics and lore for tabletop games, radio plays, and the not so often poem.

How many projects are you currently working on?

Too many.

Seriously though. How many?

Remember that list of things I write? Take all of that and multiply it by 3.

Holy guacamole! Why haven't you finished any of them?

I've finished quiet of few. Some I know are good, some others are absolutely whack. Another issue is that I love collaboration because nothing fuels me with more creative energy than hanging with friends and creating the workings of something truly spectacular. With that said, if gaps of time (for whatever reason) get in the way of said project with any collaborator (myself included), the project gets shelved. Let's just say that I'm running out of wall space.

So... you're adding blogging to this ever-growing list of unfinished projects?

Well shit, I guess I am.

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